A new day, a new future,

A New Direction for District Council 33.

District Council 33 is ONE Council to represent 15 Local Unions of AFSCME.
Together, our power is unmatched.

The New Direction Slate is Already Putting Members First

On February 21, District Council 33’s Executive Committee elected Omar Salaam to serve as
President of District Council 33. Over just a few short weeks, President Salaam has operated
with democracy, transparency, and efficiency, terminating contracts with outside vendors and
consultants who were unnecessarily costing our Union millions of dollars, and working to deliver
a City budget that staffs our City Departments.

President Salaam’s election followed AFSCME International’s decision to remove Ernest Garret for
serious breaches of the AFSCME constitution, violating his oath of office, and improperly using
Union funds.

AFSCME found Brother Garrett had hired his own family members for salaried staff positions at the
District Council, adjusted the salaries of several employees without Executive Committee approval,
and mismanaged the Legal Services Fund.
Greg Boulware is running to continue the “Ernest Garret way.” His Vice Presidential candidate,
Antoine Little, was President Garrett’s assistant, and was by his side every step of the way.

Imaging Work

Our Key Priorities

Meet The New Direction Team


Vice President
